| 1. | On li yu ' s antithetical couplet creation and theory 略论李渔的对联创作与理论 |
| 2. | Li yu - the pioneer of chinese modern cultural estate 我国现代文化产业的先驱者 |
| 3. | On li yu ' s novel in fashion over europe and america 评析李渔的长篇小说在欧美的风行 |
| 4. | A preliminary research into the drama directing theories of li yu 试析李渔的戏曲导演理论 |
| 5. | Xu jie , meng wen , li yu - jiang and yang qing - hua 胥杰蒙文李玉江杨庆华 |
| 6. | Analysis on poesy culture - poesy comparation of li yu ' s with li yi - an ' s 李煜与李易安词的比较 |
| 7. | On the narrative features of li yu ' s novels 试论李渔小说的叙事特征 |
| 8. | Li yu - hui case telford garden murders 李育辉案德福花园多重谋杀案 |
| 9. | A comparative study of li yu and feng xiaogang 冯小刚与李渔比较论 |
| 10. | Inheritance and development of li yu ' s thoughts of keeping in good health 李渔养生思想与杨朱哲学 |